Underneath It All

Since getting diagnosed, I’ve been more obsessed with my looks than a tween girl who just got her braces off. And you know what? I’m not even fighting it. See, it’s more than just desiring beauty, it’s about CONTROL. 

Even more than that, I’ve learned of the irrefutable link between how I feel about my outside and how I feel physically on the inside. So, I’ve become my new favorite girl crush. Need proof?

  • Exhibit A: I’ve started wearing SHORTS and above-the-knee DRESSES!! [Gasp!] Note: I was roughly seventeen years old the last time that happened. Now every time I do, I skip and smile more. Fact.
  • Exhibit B: I've FINALLY started doing an evening skin care ritual before bed. [You were right all along, big sister...] And I'm waking up feeling confident when I look in the mirror. Watch out world.
  • Exhibit C: I've started wearing wigs even when it's just me around the house. And that small step toward feeling "normal" is tricking my brain enough to nearly forget I'm actually "sick". 
So tonight, the night before ROUND 3 of 4 chemotherapy treatments, I took care of my "Greatest Love of All" [Thanks, Whitney!] and captured it to a song that says it all. [Thanks, Gwen!] Enjoy...and maybe consider getting underneath it all yourself. It does a body good.



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