Let's Get Ready To Rumble

I keep telling myself there is only ONE way this thing’s gonna play out. A big fat W on the board and it’s all mine. Then some heavy bass song fills the gymnasium, beautiful dancers flood the floor hitting all the moves, skirts flitting faster than you can bat a lash. Everything in perfect synchronization, then they split apart and poof! I’m there with my arms to the sky then lifted, flipping up, over, and caught by - where’d HE come from?! - My husband! And in some stunner coordinated ensemble. He pulls me down, pulls me close, then kisses me while swinging me around in circles, lights flashing like shooting stars, crowd goes wild… [End dream sequence]

Y'all. Today is a BIG. A$$. DAY. I’m seeing my surgical oncologist for the first time since I was told I needed to undergo chemotherapy. I’m pretty sure imaging will be involved to understand progress and we’ll begin to plan and schedule next steps on surgery. The veil is about. to. be. lifted. You can run, but you can’t hide, mon frere… 

I feel great. I’ve BEEN feeling great. And although I know cancer is a silent killer, I’m convinced how I feel is indicative of how successful everything’s been going down on the inside. Sure, my body has disappointed me before. I mean, it invited cancer in and threw a damn party like I was on a long business trip or something… $hit, maybe I was… anyhow, enough fear and anxiety already! Like I said, I’ve GOT this. I feel so good about how today will roll that I’m FULLY expecting being honored with whatever the equivalent of a Student of the Month, Honor Roll, or even Valedictorian is… I can see it now, me on the podium… “A students, B students, C students, and my friends…

I’ve done EVERYthing right since day one. And although that didn’t prevent me from getting cancer, I’m pretty sure this time it helped me kill it. But I guess we’ll see. Until then, I’ll just keep choreographing my winning routine. I just know it’ll be amazing. 5-6-7-8...


  1. You go girl! Best wishes on your meeting today! You will be in my thoughts!

  2. Oops sorry…kim downs

    1. Thanks so much for the ongoing support, Kim xoxox


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