Hey Ya'll

So I'm fully convinced: once a strategist, always a strategist. Spend enough years creating strategic frameworks for clients and it changes. your. brain. Which is why I have one... even for this blog. Yeah, major nerd alert, I knowwww.

And like just about EVERY meaningful thing in my life, it came to me in a lightening strike epiphanic way when I took a small pause a few weeks into writing and asked myself - Leah, why ARE you doing this? And my little inner voice responded, equipped with tiny whiteboard, laser pointer and all.

Allow me to unpack the Strategic Experience Principles that underpin my work... [Bingo! says the girl from the back row playing agency buzzword Bingo, approaches desk to claim her award]

  1. Positivity 👉 The glass. IS. half. full. And truly knowing that is the ONLY way I'm getting through to the other side while remotely enjoying the journey (same goes for you, too, buddy). Silver linings, laughter, play time... good vibes only. The whole WORLD needs more of it, so I'm HERE for it!!
  2. Perspective 👉 I am most CERTAINLY not the only one dealing with cancer right now. I happen to be one of TWO MILLION other cancer diagnoses just this year alone. And, since that number is abhorrently HUGE, I'm guessing you, dear Reader, are either dealing with your own journey or have one closer to home than your heart can even handle. Building some empathy, or sadly, camaraderie, on the subject seems warranted. #pinkladiesunite 
  3. Power 👉 Not talking the political or super[hero] kind, unless that happens to be what gets you out of bed in the morning. Instead I'm talking about strength and emPOWERment. As in, reminding anyone from the wallflower to the rainmaker that we are the ones in the driver's seat on the roadtrip of our lives. The DJ at the turntable. The chef in the kitchen. Need more metaphors? I could go all night... 
  4. Prevention 👉 Being a one-in-eight breast cancer fighter is a girl squad I'm NOT looking to grow. Instead I'd rather watch every one of my doctors, one by one, update their LinkedIn headshot to "Open For New Opportunities". Then watch the Stephanie Spielman Breast Cancer Center start looking like a Kmart Super Center right down to the rolling parking lot tumbleweeds for a little extra poetic justice.

And since I'm a former educator, I'm going to use these pillars as the rubric to assess my performance blog-writing thus far. Here goes. Positivity: A (lost a few points for bouts of revenge and anger). Perspective A+ (healthy overdose delivered). Power: A+ (extra credit given for boosting motivational content ALL over the interwebs). However....

Prevention: NOT. DOING. ENOUGH. [Inner voice shouts STEP IT UP, HONEY!!] So, It's time to shake it like a Polaroid picture. 

[Okay, now ladies, Yeah!? We gon' break this thang down in just a few seconds]  

Since I am unfortunately not in a position to offer a cure itself for Cancer, I figure the best I can do is educate a bit on how to stack the cards in your favor to never have to join the fight with me. Below is what the smart people from the Mayo Clinic have to say with just a dash of commentary on my part. Because I'm none too good at keeping my big mouf shut. 


  • Limit alcohol ➤ Keep it to nothing more than a single toast to something each day🍹
  • Maintain a healthy weight ➤ Target a BMI between 18.5 and 24.9
  • Be physically active ➤ Get 150min moderate activity x 75min vigorous x 2x strength training per week 💪
  • Breast-feed ➤ The longer you breast feed, the better the protective effect 🍼
  • Limit post-menopausal hormone therapy ➤ Consider managing symptoms with non-hormonal therapies 💊
  • Eat a healthy diet  Embracing the mediterranean diet with EVOO and mixed nuts might reduce your risk 😋

Finally, to my dearest friends and family; I implore you to begin following this advice if you aren't already. Believe me, fighting cancer is NOT something you ever want to have to do. And you CAN make a difference. So just do it. 

[You think you've got it. OH, you think you've got it. But got it just don't get it 'til there's nothing at all...]


  1. Oh that alliteration got me!! A CLASSIC from the strategy queen. Miss those days! Mostly... 💕


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