Why Me: A Call for Action

Happy, sad. Strong, weak. Faux, real. I'm an open book. So I decided to tell my story through video today. 


  1. Girl you are amazing!! I remember all of those times Cristina calling you dramatic and loved being around you girls! You are a true inspiration. I’m thinking of you daily and wanted to share this with you! I started getting my mammograms at 35. You are so strong and your words are beautiful but not as beautiful as you were are and will always be💗 Keep that beautiful head looking up!😘

    1. Thank you so much, Crystal. I guess like they say, keep your head up or the crown might slip! ;) xoxox

  2. Well [blushing], thank you for your kind words. I'm just here to help all the beautiful, powerful women (or soon-to-be) that I can!! xoxox

  3. Thomas F. OrolinMay 4, 2022 at 4:42 PM

    Finally got to the site this evening...
    No father would ever, ever want to experience your story, told so wonderfully, as you have. It's wonderful, because as painful as it is to hear as a parent, the strength of your true beauty comes hauntingly through your words, and your warnings to other women.
    If one woman takes your advice, and can muster a modicum of the strength you've
    demonstrated here, you'll have achieved your purpose...Making others better.
    You were always good at getting the job done.
    Your Father.

  4. like father, like daughter. thank you Daddy :)


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