Poker Face

Control the controllables. Hell, count the cards. 

[Can’t read my, can’t read my, no he can’t read my poker face...]

I’m DONE being hit sideways. I’m nobody’s fool. 

I’ve always said that the best thing anyone can ever do is underestimate me. So go ahead, Cancer. You forgot I have the equivalent of a pilot light constantly burning inside me. All it needs is a little kickstart, then WOOSH, and the roof's on fire.

[I recoil, realizing it’s just my defense system firing up]

Ugh. Who am I kidding? Here I am, the pacifist. Looking Cancer clean in the eyes, begging “Can we not just talk this OUT instead?! Why did it have to COME to this?” As if I’m praying for an unhealthy marriage to simply push on. 

But no. Today it feels like I’ve just been drafted. And I go to war tomorrow. So, I gear up. I hit my warrior pose in the hopes that the science that says it will bring me strength is all still right and true. 

...holding my breath that my next hand will take down the house. 


  1. I admire your strength.

    1. Thank you although it's just a force of nature I think! If by chance it's not, I'm more than happy to share - xoxox


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